Kubad adag oo bir aan lahayn oo bir ah
Dhawaan, shirkadeena ayaa si guul leh u horumarisay nooc cusub oo ah tuubbada iftiinka badan ee birta badan. This product has the characteristics of high strength, corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, and can be widely used in petrochemical, electric power, aerospa...Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Iibinta xirmooyinka birta kulul ee kulul ayaa kor u kaca qiimahooduna way sii kordhayaan
Sales of hot-rolled steel coils are booming and prices continue to rise Recently, the market demand for hot-rolled steel coils is very strong, and the price has been rising. Indhaha shirkadaha birta ee kala duwan, tani waa waqti fiican oo lagu soo saaro macaash, iyo waa ...Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
New Epoxy Dhuxul Dhuxul-ku-Dhulanka PITG-ka la dagaallanka Tooshka
Suuqa tuubbada qulqulaya ee birta ah ee birta ah waxay leedahay isbeddel soo kabasho oo cad oo lagu soo celiyay soo kabashada suuqa dhif ah. Cabbirka heshiiska iyo qiimaha tuubbada alaabta tuubbada ayaa labadaba soo sara kacay. Isla mar ahaantaana, maadaama waddanku si xoog leh u nadiifiyo "bir strip oo dhulka ah", faa iidooyinka qoryaha korantada waa Hi ...Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Xarkaha khafiifka ah ee Kunuga-gariiriga ah ee Kungug
Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Aqoonta dhacdada darafka dillaaca tuubbooyinka xasaasiyadeed
Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
China China Asbons-ka Birta Birta Birta Birta Astm A106
Waa maxay ujeeddada tuubbada birta ee A106 ee laga soo saaro soo saaraha Shiinaha? A106 pipe from China manufacturer is commonly used in the construction of oil and gas refineries, power plants, petrochemical plants, boilers, and ships where the piping must transport fluids and gases that exhibit higher temperatur...Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Dib u eegista Billet
Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Kulul oo lagu dhejiyay bir bir kulul
Galvanized coil, a thin steel sheet that is dipped in a bath of molten zinc to adhere a layer of zinc to its surface. It is mainly produced by continuous galvanizing process, that is, the coiled steel plate is continuously dipped in a plating tank with molten zinc to make galvanized steel plate; ...Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Akhri wax dheeraad ah
Geedi socodka wax soo saarka ee Rebab inta badan waxaa ka mid ah 6 tillaabo oo waaweyn
The production process of rebar mainly includes 6 major steps: 1. Iron ore mining and processing: There are two kinds of hematite and magnetite that have better smelting performance and utilization value. 2. Macdanta dhuxusha iyo caqabaynta: Waqtigan xaadirka ah, in kabadan 95% soosaarka birta adduunka ...Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Habka wax soo saarka ee qulqulka warshadda birta ee kulul
According to the rolling state of the rolling mill, the production process of the sheet steel mill can be divided into two types: the hot-rolled steel plate process and the cold-rolled steel plate process. Waxaa ka mid ah iyaga, geedi socodka saxan dhexdhexaad ah oo kulul, saxan qaro weyn iyo saxan khafiif ah oo ka dhacay metleurt ...Akhri wax dheeraad ah -
Habka wax soo saarka ee qulqulka warshadda birta ee kulul
Production process flow of hot rolled steel plate factory According to the rolling state of the rolling mill, the production process of the sheet steel mill can be divided into two types: the hot-rolled steel plate process and the cold-rolled steel plate process. Dhexdooda, geedi socodka kulul-r ...Akhri wax dheeraad ah