PPGI & PPGL (Bir galvanized bir ah oo hore loo diyaariyey iyo birta galvalume bir hore loo diyaariyey) sidoo kale loo yaqaan bir hore loo dahaadhay ama gariiradda birta midabaysan, Waa wax soo saar ka samaysan xaashi bir galvanized ah oo kulul, xaashi bir ah oo kulul, xaashi bir ah oo galvanized ah, etc. After surface pretreatment, one or several layers of organic coating are applied on the surface, and then baked and solidified. The color coated steel coil is light in weight, beautiful in appearance, and has good anti-corrosion performance, and can be directly processed. The color is generally divided into gray, sea blue, brick red, etc.